Saturday, June 26, 2010

week 1 MSK- EBP

S- We are able to access our new patient referrals for the next working day. Checking through Tuesday’s referrals, I noticed I was referred a patient with Achilles Tendinopathy. Her doctor had recommended the ‘Alfredson Eccentric Protocol’ as a potential treatment strategy.

T- I like to prepare for the new patients I see, thus my task was to
a) find out what the Alfredson Eccentric Protocol involves, and;
b) find out if it is beneficial when compared with other treatments for Achilles Tendinopathy.

A- Searching Pedro, I found a systemic review of 8 articles, 4 RCTs and 4 cohort studies. 6/8 articles used the alfredson eccentric protocol, and 2/8 articles used a variation of the alfredson eccentric protocol. The various control groups used the following conventional treatment:
- Surgery
- Pain free concentric exercises
- Pain free stretching
- Night splint
- Night splint with eccentric exercises

R- Alfredson et al. (1998) developed the eccentric traning protocol as follows:
- 3 sets of 15 reps eccentric heel drops 2x/day, 7days/week for 12 weeks
- Work through non- disabling pain
- Progressively add weight
The benefits of the alfredson program above and beyond those of the control groups were as follows:
-In 5/8 studies improvements were seen in both the eccentric and control groups
-Results were on average 34% better the eccentric groups
-At 12 weeks function improved an average of 42% from baseline in the eccentric
-The control groups also improved an average of 33% from baseline

As a result, I decided to use the Alfredson eccentric protocol with my patient the following day.

E- Some of the evidence I found was of questionable quality. There were varied ‘control’ groups, most of the studies were not randomized, various different outcome measures were used and various methods of diagnosis were employed.

However, the results were fairly persuasive suggesting that pain enduring eccentric exercise is superior to conventional therapy. From my own knowledge base, I would choose to use eccentric exercise anyway; regardless of what protocol I would be following. Thus, I decided to use the Alfredson protocol.

I feel that preparing for my patient and researching the protocol was a valuable task. It means I am continually learning, staying up to date with research, am able to write back to the doctor letting them know I was on top of what they asked of me and I was able to deliver better quality, evidence based care.

S- Electronic search of databases
-quality checking of articles

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