Friday, October 17, 2008

Reflection 2

Although I'm absolutely loving loving Bentley and everyone there...I had a not so great experience on wednesday. I picked up a patient from the waiting room and from the the first moment with her i could tell she wasn't so happy about seeing a student (which is fair...not too sure how i'd feel) I tried my hardest to get her onside and explain how poor posture can result in shoulder impingement, but she just didn't want a bar of it. She wouldn't look me in the eye and rolled her eyes when i tried to teach some scapula exercises. It completely threw me and i lost the plot! I felt that i needed to keep on explaining myself. Looking back it wasn't that i wasn't being clear it was more that she wasn't listening, and she also expected completely passive treatment. My supervisor suggested that next time i let her know that in order to improve she needs to take control of her problem or there's not much point in coming (in a nice way:) I think i'll definitely need to prepare more for her next appointment and not let myself get so upset by it. I also think I should spend more time on pain control and hopefully get her more onside that way. Luckily my next patient became my new fave...she was an 83 year old lady who had self diagnosed 'chicken legs' ...

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