Friday, October 17, 2008

reflection 3

The last day of the week...thank god...ive never been so exhausted...i think it's coz i've never used my brain this much...

The week has been fantastic. I feel like i'm really finding my feet and getting into the rhythm of things. Our supervisor comes back next week (he's been sick) so hopefully he'll be impressed by our newly found confidence:)

Arnie and I have been seeing about 3 patients a day...which has been a struggle Can't believe the senior physios have seen up to 16 patients in a day! I think I definitely need to work on time management...I saw a patient on monday for 2.5 hours!! She liked to chat though...

We're also involved in hydrotherapy on fridays which is actually really good. All of the clients have their own programs and we helped with technique, questions etc..

Some things im going to work on for next week: definitely time management... as well as making my objective assessments much smoother, instead of asking patients to stand up, lie down, sit up and lie down again! I'm also going to go over all my lower limb passive accessories and good positioning, as well as look up some more creative strengthening exercises.
Have a great weekend!!

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