Wednesday, October 29, 2008

week 3, reflection 3

I saw my not so nice shoulder impingement patient again today! Even using a model and my best explanation I could not explain to her how posture can cause shoulder pain. When I asked her if my explanation had made sense she replied "well you're telling me it makes sense" and then refused to even look at me! I also suspected that she may have torn her supraspinatus during the week and explained to her the importance of going to the GP for an Ultrasound. She threw that back in my face with a big NO and said if he was just going to comment on her posture she wouldn't bother going. I have to ask then, why bother coming back to physio? 3 people now have come to the same conclusion and given her the tools to take control of her problem and yet she comes in each time expecting a magic pill or a magic machine treatment. I secrectly thinks she likes being mean to me and making me teary!! I have no idea where to go with her, as doing anything for pain is useless because if she doesn't change her posture she is continually going to be in pain! I had tried my hardest to improve explanations etc and I think I did that to the best of my ability, i'm not too sure that I could have done much else. I think she just didn't want to hear what I was saying. Definietly not my best placement experience!

But on a different note, I did have to smile today. An elderly patient came in and told me that the doctor had diagnosed her with tendinitis. She then explained that it was a "build up of information in her shoulder joint" bless.... showing me again the importance of education again:)

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