Saturday, October 25, 2008

week 2

the end of another week...i can't believe how fast its all going! My week has been jam packed with patients, hydro, spinal education classes and a LOT of total knee replacements!! I've learnt the importance and impact of strengthening muscles to stabilise joints and the effect that can have on reducing pain! I also learnt some awesome tips to care for your back around the even making sure im using them!
Im starting to prep for my patients now...we're up to four a day so i think i need to be ultra prepared! I have a patient on monday who is cognitively impaired and also illiterate, so it will be challenging to make a take home exercise program, and pitching it at an understandable level. I also have a paient with dysphagia and another who is hearing impaired. I'm making sure to stand in her visual field and speak clearly. The patient with dysphagia and I are utilising sign laguage (or trying to) and is wife is fantastic. He has chronic LBP but is finding core strengthening and hydro very helpful...

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