Wednesday, October 29, 2008

week 3, reflection 2

On Wednesday Arnie and I had to give a presentation to all of the physios. They allocate someone each week as a means of updating their knowledge... as new and different ideas seem to be constantly evolving in the world of physio!

We chose to talk about lasers as Bentley has a new laser machine. We talked about its clinical uses and evidence that supports (or rejects) laser as a treatment. It's obviously hard to find 100% supportive info as few articles review lasers alone. Lasers are used in conjuction with many other treatment techniques, as is with good clinical practice. Many experiments were also performed on rats, which as genetically identical do not reflect our diversity as humans. So, Arnie and I discussed the positives in light of the difficulty in finding supportive finding evidence. The physios then discussed their use of laser, with everyone agreeing on its clinical worth. At Bentley, its common use is in women's health field for things like cracked nipples.

All in all, I think it was a good in service, and a great learning experience to be up there giving a presentation to people who've been in practice for a number of years!

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